The best ideas are simple but brilliant
The unique method of WordPIN guarantees optimal security for your codes. Explaining the unique method of WordPIN can sometimes be confusing, but after users have entered their first code they are amazed at the simplicity of using WordPIN and convinced of the safety of WordPIN. That’s why we present a free test version of WordPIN to experience the magic.”

WordPIN was developed by Ron van der Steeg and Jeffrey Bruijntjes. Ron is innovator and Jeffrey is the technical man behind WordPIN.
The idea for WordPIN was created when Ron was confronted with someone who had spontaneously forgotten his pin when paying in a store. The person in question had entered his pin somewhere on his cell phone, hidden somewhere in…. but where? He quickly tried to find it without success. The queue waiting was getting longer, and the stress increased.
Innovator Ron was triggered, and began to invent a solution. His demands were high!
• WordPIN had to be fast. A code must be found within 10 seconds.
• WordPIN had to be safe. Not just safe, but 100% safe.
• WordPIN had to be easy to use. Useful for young and old.
There are many apps in the stores, which can be used to save your secret information like codes. These apps are locked with a secret number combination, just like a vault. When you enter the correct combination, the vault opens and the contents are visible. Therefore, it is essential that these apps must know your secret combination to work properly! It is not unthinkable that someone hits your correct combination by accident, and then… Oops! Problem!
WordPIN had to be different. WordPIN had to be faster and easier, but definitely safer.

The First Version
The first version worked in a fast and safe way. The letters of the secret word had to be clicked on the screen to read the underlying digits of the code, but they were also visible to curious bystanders. That had to be changed, to be more efficient!
The current version solved this problem and is super safe! WordPIN is not to crack! WordPIN doesn’t need your secret word to operate properly. You only have to LOOK at the letters of your secret word to read the code. That is an indomitable obstacle for curious bystanders, because it’s impossible to know what the user is looking at. Not even WordPIN knows where you are looking at! If the user keeps his secret word really secret, then the codes in WordPIN are unavailable to others, even when the phone comes into strange hands.
We’re still working on improvements, so stay with us!

The Current Version